We suggest that the negotiation techniques training is carried out in the following contexts:
We suggest that the negotiation techniques training is carried out in the following contexts:
Selected issues:
During the training, we use the following methods and tools:
The Whitefox Statement Coding System was created on the basis of an analysis of over 3,000 transcripts recorded during AC/DC sessions, exercises and simulations It includes 152 language forms. Many of them have a huge impact on the effectiveness of negotiations carried out by participants of our training courses. The scope and content of practised phrases and grammar structures are adapted to the context of work of a relevant group. In respect of the negotiation technique training, we quite often prepare training exercises dedicated to a relevant company in order to minimise the abstractness of completed simulations.
During the training, each participant will receive a manual containing a description of 98 facial actions and movement patterns (action codes) for 7 basic emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, disgust, contempt) and 8 complex emotions (boredom, shyness, desire, embarrassment, interest, pride, shame, guilt). Exercises in recognition of facial expressions will be carried out using computer software that supports the process of learning facial movements characteristic for particular emotions. An important part of the negotiation technique training is the detection of simulated emotions and lies.
During the course, participants will learn to use tests and observational scales that enable to determine the logic of action of the people they talk to. The determination of attitudes and values preferred by interlocutors enables to develop solutions and arguments tailored to the needs and emotions important to them.
The training is of a practical nature. The lecture part is restricted to the minimum. We do not use slides. Classes rely almost exclusively on performing exercises and simulations.
In our work, we meet people characterised by extremely different Action Logic. Some think ...
Analysis of facial expressions, facial action coding system, Paul Ekman 70'...
Markets are conversations, client, competition, trends, action plan, communication, change...
Psychology of language, narrative and paradigms, propositional calculus, parts of speech, ...