Action Logic

Manager development programme

Action logic

models of adult human development, stages and crises

A. Different Action Logics

In our work, we meet people characterised by extremely different Action Logic. Some think almost exclusively about themselves and what is most important to them: they destroy motivation, commitment, joy and optimism around themselves. Others can listen, understand and surround their team with a special kind of care: if they can lead others, they become effective leaders in their communities.

We deal with  „what and how these people talk” and „what we can read from their emotional expressions”.
B. Whitefox Method

In order to prepare a reliable DC report, we record and analyse statements, carefully (sometimes repeatedly) watching the same video records with facial expressions and using modern systems and technologies. The language and emotional expressions of egocentric people and empathic people are very different (other language forms, other facial expressions). Certainly, the world that we observe does not consist only of black and white characters: there are many shades of grey. There are at least several intermediate levels on the scale from egotism to decentration.

To systematise different Action Logics and communication, we use models of adult human development and neuroscientific discoveries.
C. Report and training

In our individual reports, we present the language forms and mimic patterns that characterise particular levels of listening and understanding and the neural structures that take part in described communication processes. Participants of our training and development programmes most often say that the experience of seeing themselves from the perspective of these analyses helps them change and develop, and practising new language forms during the training deepens this experience.

For us, the positive feedback from our customers is the most important confirmation of the effectiveness of the applied methods.

Below, we present descriptions of 6 levels of leadership inspired by the Torbert’s model (Global Leadership Profile) and selected neural structures involved in the communication process.


He/she is focused almost exclusively on himself/herself; he/she does not take into account anyone or anything. He/she listens only to his/her own needs and emotions. He/she uses others for his/her own benefit by breaking promises and declarations he/she has made. He/she lies, steals and hurts (… people in the company and his/her closed ones). Customers’ needs and values are irrelevant (… they will not buy anything anyway); emotions and feelings of employees are only a threat (… they have no alternative anyway). All his/her energy is focused on the game and manipulation (who will take who?). Wherever he/she appears, conflicts and misunderstandings follow.



He/she is focused on his/her own fear, primarily trying to avoid what he/she is afraid of (difficult task, conversation with his/her superior, decision-making). He/she is eager to deny what he/she sees or hears. He/she wants to believe that everything is fine; that it will all be fine; that it should be nice. He/she is like a diplomat that has to hide or explain embarrassing scandals and slip-ups every so often. Just in case, he/she does not take a clear position; he/she does not want to be wrong once again; he/she likes what the majority likes; he/she loves stereotypes and procedures adopted by the group. He/she spends his/her energy primarily on building smokescreens, illusions and hiding places.



His/her mind is attached to thinking; he/she constantly talks, judges and considers, and always has specific beliefs. He/she claims that such behaviour in his/her case is completely justified because he/she has the adequate knowledge and formal qualifications most of the time. It is difficult to interrupt him/her; even if you succeed, this lasts only for a little while; he/she is usually engrossed in its analyses and systems. He/she does not talk to you – he/she talks to himself/herself. He/she cannot see the world – he/she is focused on abstracts and technical lingo. It is difficult for him/her to see other, new things that are more detailed, subjective or non-standard. The company and customers should act in accordance with the models, theories and procedures described by experts.



A man/woman of goals and aspirations behaves like a conqueror. In general, he/she is not interested in making you feel good. The situation does not have to be reasonable or in line with accepted assumptions. He/she wants results and effects. He/she competes. The present does not count; only the future that can be won is important (this will be the decisive quarter; this will be the decisive year – just like every single one for the last 30 years). Living in what is just about to happen, he/she worries whether it will be just like he/she has determined in his plans, calendars and organisers. All the here and now slips away – the there and then is most important (until, of course, it happens).



A mind without goals or aspirations appears when extensive and often long-term dedication to goals and commitments ultimately leads to a crisis. Work ceases to bring joy or satisfaction. The psyche is subject to fatigue, frustration and exhaustion. There are more and more thoughts of change. The mind then begins to notice more clearly the intentions, feelings and actions of other people. He/she is worried about their envy, pretence, excessively complex thoughts and unreflective actions. He/she becomes more tolerant and composed. He/she gets a perspective. He/she begins to listen carefully to his/her customers and colleagues.



A person who has been a careful listener for many years, and is able to get a perspective to himself/herself, his/her fears, his/her goals and his/her aspirations, achieves a special kind of sensitivity. He/she is very attentive to changes related to what people important to him/her (namely his/her customers, colleagues and relatives) say and experience. He/she is attentive to any changes, including the systemic and technical ones in the external environment. He/she has a particular sense of time and others often find, with surprise, that he/she has noticed and predicted things and events that they have not thought of. He/she has a special strategic sense that is the hallmark of every effective leader. People around him/her feel safe: they know that he/she will always come up with something (or have already done it) and that he/she will take into account what they care about.

A significant weakening of the functioning of the presented system leads to disorders, such as: BORDERLINE, PSYCHOPATHY, NARCISSISM.

experiencing and recognizing pain (AI)
experiencing the touch and integrity of the skin (SMC)
recognition of facial expressions (IFG); understanding the intentions and goals of another person (FO)
recognizing and learning fear of threat and punishment (Amyg)
reflection of emotions and expression of emotions (IPL, IPS)
monitoring the look of the other person (pSTS)
THEORY OF MIND - accepting the perspective of another person (RTPJ)
understanding and avoiding the "faux pas" (OFC)
evaluation of thoughts and emotions of self and other people (MPFC)
experiencing pain (eACC/MCC)

AI – arterior insula
Amyg – amygdala
cACC/MCC – caudal anterior cingulate cortex, midddle cingulate cortex
dMPFC/vMPFC- dorsal et ventral medial prefrontal cortex
FO – frontal operculum
IFG – inferior frontal gyrus
IPL, IPS – inferior parietal lobule, inferior parietal sulcus [mirror neuron] 
OFC – orbifrontal cortex
pSTS – posteriol superior temporal sulcus
RTPJ – right temporal-parietal junction
SMC – sensory-somatic cortex


The development and effective functioning of the described structures determines: UNDERSTANDING OF OTHERS, UNDERSTANDING OF THE MARKET, effective LEADERSHIP.

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